Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Little boy

Ford is looking more and more like a little boy and less like my little baby. For moms this brings mixed emotions. TIME GOES BY SO FAST! I am so thankful for Ford and Annabell. They bring such JOY to me! God is so GREAT!
Well Ford is now sitting up on his own. I still usually put a boppie behind him just in case but he is doing really well. He started about 4-5 days ago. I read my friends blog and saw her son sitting up and thought, "why haven't I been doing that with Ford?" and he took to it like a duck in water. He is getting really close to crawling now! When I go into his bedroom he is on the total opposite side in his crib and flipped the other way. I love this stage with Ford, he is so snuggly with me, I hope that never changes.
We will be trying avocado, sweet potatoes, and bananas soon. I plan on making his food on Sunday. He is doing great with cereal but wants more! Well this is all for now. Love y'all!

The pictures are old, but I thought you would want to see something. Love y'all.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Happy Easter

Ford is the happiest kid I have ever seen. He is always smiling. He lights up a room with his adorable smile and huge eyes! On Easter he woke and was dressed in the cutest three piece suit, minus the jacket. ha. He had his first tie on as well!

Going to his first Easter egg hunt...he was more interested in his steering wheel than the hunt!

Ford loved gnawing on the eggs that his Daddy bought him. Brad couldn't help it, we weren't going to get him anything seeing he won't remember them or even care about an Easter basket, but when Brad saw eggs designed like baseballs he couldn't help himself. They were filled with candy that his sister and mom and dad got to take advantage of!

Well Ford road his first horse! Well not a real one, but he did ride his rocking horse! There is an attachment to the rocking horse that Annabell got for her first birthday.
I screwed the baby attachment on and it worked great! Ford loved it. He was very interested in the horses mane, because it crinkles.

Let's see, Ford is HUGE still! ha. He is now sitting up on his own, but sometimes still falls over, not too bad though. He lunges forward for things all the time, but can't get past being on his belly yet. He kind of scoots on his tummy sometimes. He is rolling around a ton in bed which sometimes wakes himself up, but usually he still sleeps. He took his first nap in a pack-n-play at my friend Brooke's house today. He slept great, even better than when in his swing, so I will probably start trying to put him in his crib for nap time as well. He is eating great. I think I will start other foods soon.

Here is a picture of Ford and Meema, his Great Grandmother. They were having so much fun together, I had to snap a photo!
Oh and one last thing, I think Ford said "HI", we he at least mimics the sound very well. Brooke is the one that noticed it first. We kept saying "Hi" every time he would make eye contact and then he would mimic it right back to us! It was pretty cool to hear, but I wouldn't count it as his first word quite yet. Well I love y'all!
P.S. We went to the pool today and Ford loved it! He's another one of my water babies!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Ford is loving his food. We have officially moved him to eating two meals a day. He eats so fast and really enjoys every bite. He is still a bit small for his high chair but is able to sit in it. He sort of slumps to the right though. He is starting to try and crawl. He flips over to his belly and begins to push with his toes, which scoot all over the place. He also is at the point where he watches to see if I'm going to leave the room or not and begins to get upset. His eyes follow me no matter where I am. He also gets upset if someone takes a toy from him.
He is such an affectionate child. He is constantly touching faces and pulling people toward himself.
Ford got to meet his Great Aunt Babs and Great Uncle Parker today. He was his happy normal self so they enjoyed the visit.
One more thought. Ford has started to blow raspberries on me. I will blow them on his cheek and then he will reach out and do the same on mine. It makes for a fun game.
Well we went to the beach today. I didn't get any photos of Ford though! I wish I had. He was so relaxed and just played with his toy and pacifier most of the day. Well that's all for now, love y'all!

P.S. Nanny (mom) we love you and miss you.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Growing so fast

Ford has grown leaps and bounds in the last few weeks. On Tuesday her rolled from his back to his belly twice, and by the next day he was doing it non stop. I heard him crying tonight after I laid him down and when I went in he had rolled himself over and was crying because he wanted up.

Ford has also had cereal finally, yesterday was the first day. He LOVES it. He couldn't get enough. He had no problem chewing and swallowing his food. He was so excited and I couldn't feed him fast enough. So now he has cereal after his second late morning feeding. I'm not sure if it's the food, but he slept great last night, but he has been doing that for a while.

Ford also got to go to his first Pro Baseball game. He was more interested in his hands most of the time, but we did catch him watching a bit. But after a while the heat was too much and he past out. Brad said Ford looks like he looked in the dug out! ha! We had great seats, 3rd row back, but went up the the cheap seats so not to bother everyone around us when the kids started to get fussy. Plus the sun was very hot for the kids!

Annabell tripped and fell landing her head against Ford's head. I was so worried about them and they both got huge knots on their heads and bruises. Praise God for healing them quickly though. Ford stopped crying within a minute. Which actually made me nervous. But he was great.