Thursday, April 9, 2009

Ford is loving his food. We have officially moved him to eating two meals a day. He eats so fast and really enjoys every bite. He is still a bit small for his high chair but is able to sit in it. He sort of slumps to the right though. He is starting to try and crawl. He flips over to his belly and begins to push with his toes, which scoot all over the place. He also is at the point where he watches to see if I'm going to leave the room or not and begins to get upset. His eyes follow me no matter where I am. He also gets upset if someone takes a toy from him.
He is such an affectionate child. He is constantly touching faces and pulling people toward himself.
Ford got to meet his Great Aunt Babs and Great Uncle Parker today. He was his happy normal self so they enjoyed the visit.
One more thought. Ford has started to blow raspberries on me. I will blow them on his cheek and then he will reach out and do the same on mine. It makes for a fun game.
Well we went to the beach today. I didn't get any photos of Ford though! I wish I had. He was so relaxed and just played with his toy and pacifier most of the day. Well that's all for now, love y'all!

P.S. Nanny (mom) we love you and miss you.

1 comment:

Grandma Z. said...

Nice picture of my sister with Ford. Big Pop enjoyed Annabell wanting to read to him. Ford has a great smile.