Saturday, July 18, 2009

4th of July 2009 and BOB

They look EXACTLY alike!

For the fourth we all got up and went to Big pop and Maamaa's house. It was a fun day filled with YUMMY food and great fireworks. Ford would jump when he heard a loud pop from the fireworks but was not the least bit scared in any way. He actually LOVED watching them.
Especially the smoke bombs!

The kids were all dressed in their 4th white and blue.

Ford loves playing in the water. He enjoyed playing in the new pool that his grand parents bought. He really liked the facts that he could pull himself to standing from the edges. But as you can see, it's slippery in a pool and things happen when 8 month old tries to hold their balance in a slippery pool. When he slipped out of the pool my initial reaction seemed calm on camera...but I actually became very nervous when it set in how he landed on his neck. His aunt Adrienne was closer than I though and got to him quickly. I always get nervous when I don't prevent something that I see might happen, but on the other hand I feel like if I prevent everything then they won't learn. It can be nerve racking being a mom!

We have been very blessed to be able (because I'm a stay at home mom) to spend every other Friday with daddy. We go to BOB with Brad (Bible on the Beach) and the youth group kids. It is a lot of fun and the kids enjoy the sand, water, and attention! Ford is teething a lot so anything he can get his teeth on he does...therefore he has his binki in his mouth a LOT, so not to eat too much sand! He really enjoys picking up the sand and moving it from place to place. Enjoy the video.

a few more notes:
Ford eats a TON. still having 5-7 nursing's a day, he has eaten all kinds of foods, including tofu, chicken, bread, plums, nectarines, etc.
He really enjoys self feeding. He eats a banana whole on his own!
His top right (if looking at him) "eye" tooth has come in and right front tooth has also begun to come in. His entire upper gum is swollen because at least 2 more are working through. He sucks on his upper lip a lot to sooth the pain. During his teething time he has been increasingly clingy to me and me alone. But I don't mind a bit ;). He has been waking up at 5:50-6:15am every morning since we were in TN...not happy about that! But it is what it is, I'm hoping to get him back on a later morning schedule soon. He is wearing 12 month clothes right now comfortably. I am really short on that size too, which is weird because with Annabell I had a ton through 12 months and then it slowed down, but I have a lot of 9 months and then a lot of 18 but not many 12 months...not to worry though, I think we have enough friends to barter for some hand me personal favorite!
Well we love y'all!

1 comment:

Grandma Z. said...

Love all the pictures, especially the one with Grandma!!! I didn't realize how much Ford wanted to go down the slide. So cute! Maybe next time. BOB is great for the kids.