Thursday, January 29, 2009


Ford has found his toes! It is so cute to see him grab at them and sway back and forth on his back. I think he is getting closer to rolling over onto his belly. He also is sitting quite well in his bumbo chair. He use to only be able to sit in it for a few seconds before his head would get too heavy. Lately though, he is able to sit for 10-15 minutes, which gives me time to get his sister dressed or changed or fed, and still know that he is getting some 'neck strengthening' time. I have included some pictures of Ford being loved on by his sister. He really is such a good sport. He isn't bothered unless she pushes or pulls too hard. OR if she covers his mouth he freaks out. He always panics if we are taking off his clothes and pull his shirt over his head. He acts as if he can't breath. I try to take it off or put it on fast so he doesn't get too scared.
Well that's all for y'all!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Ladies Man

Well we had our annual middle school sleepover at our house. Ford was the only boy there and was soaking up the ladies. He is such a 'ladies man'. He loves to smile at everyone, but especially women. He had a hard time going to sleep that night because there was so much going on with noise. The girls tried hard to contain themselves but naturally are loud ;). So he slept with me in my bed (brad was having a boys sleep over in Unit 10) and loved it. He sleeps very well all snuggled up next to his mommy. He has also started to sleep a little better lately. He is typically waking only around 2am and then back to sleep for the rest of the night. It will be interesting to see how he sleeps once he starts eating rice cereal. I really need to start making his foods now since they stay good for several months in the freezer. Ford is such a big boy. The girl next to him in the photo (Gabriella) is one month older than him! She is a little petite though but he towers over her. I love that photo because it looks like she is reaching for him and he can't be bothered...which is how most boys are. ha.
Anyways, Ford and Annabell are getting closer and closer. He is starting to interact with her which she loves. She is always kissing him and he loves it. Except for the kisses on his eyeballs!
Ford and Annabell took their first bath together. Daddy had to help out since the water was too deep for Ford. He seems to be growing so fast. He holds himself in the exersaucer now with no blanket to hold him in one place. He is a little frustrated in the video because he had been playing for a while, he LOVED staring at the fire! That's not bad for their eyes right?! He also reaches and grabs onto toys and blankets and pulls them to his mouth. He baby talks a TON. He loves making noises. He makes the sweetest noises (soft cooing) when I give him light kisses around his nose and mouth. He is so sweet. It amazes me how different and similar Ford and Annabell are. I am so blessed and I'm soaking up every second with them...they grow so fast! P.S. Still no thumb either though.

Forgot to mention how big he is...people are always saying, he's almost as big as Annabell!

Friday, January 16, 2009


So Ford has started to fully laugh! I love it! I kiss his face very fast on his chin line and he laughs so hard. Brad said it sounds like Annabell's laugh was as a baby too. He is growing so fast! As you can see in the picture he is a big chunky baby. I love his cheeks. He is so solid too, very thick and heavy. We both think he will be even bigger than his daddy. His sleeping has gone down hill lately. I think because we have been doing so much lately and he got off his schedule. I put him down around 10:30pm last night (after trying for 2 hours) and then he woke at 12:30am...and then again at 3:30am and finally at 7am. Then I took him to my room to feed him and sleep in the bed...he sleeps so well in the it REALLY cold in our house lately because of the cold front and I refuse to turn on the I think he has woke up because of that as well. Well say a prayer for his sleeping pattern to better, please! I'm super tired this week! ha. Love y'all!

Saturday, January 10, 2009


Ford slept in his crib last night. I got him down around 9:20pm and he slept until 2:20am, woke for his feeding, and then went back down until 7:00ish am. He did great considering Annabell's room is right next door and she cried all night on and off. He stirred a bit when she would cry but didn't wake. Love y'all!

Friday, January 9, 2009


Ford is growing so fast. He no longer has the new born look to him. He is wide eyed and so cute. He laughed for the first time 2 days ago. Well a semi-laugh. I was tickling his inner thigh and he began to chuckle.

Well the binki rejection started 3 days ago and has not stopped. Ford, under no circumstances, will take his binki. He has even started to recently reject my knuckle. He will only nurse. This made for a tough first two days and nights, but last night was not nearly as bad. He slept a lot yesterday, and last night, for the first time he slept the entire night through....10:30pm-7:30am! Annabell actually woke me before he did.

His belly time is getting better. He still isn't a big fan of it, but he stays down on his tummy longer and will lift his chest along with his head.

Well that's all for y'all!

Friday, January 2, 2009


Ford has the most expressive eyes. He is always watching everyone and very observant. He has been copying our mouths when we talk and mimicking the motions with his. He also gets very excited when he hears new noises. Today I was making a new noise with my mouth (you'll hear it on the video) and his eyes would get HUGE every time he heard and see.

Ford has also been drooling a ton, but I haven't noticed any smoothing of his ridges or anything else to indicate teething, but who knows!
Well we have been trying to give him belly time but her REALLY doesn't like it, I've been putting his toys in front of him lately to try and entice him but there is no luck, he still doesn't like it. He did fall asleep once on his belly but that is the only time he stayed down on his tummy. Well we love y'all! (p.s. here is a pix of his room, atleast part of it)