Friday, January 9, 2009


Ford is growing so fast. He no longer has the new born look to him. He is wide eyed and so cute. He laughed for the first time 2 days ago. Well a semi-laugh. I was tickling his inner thigh and he began to chuckle.

Well the binki rejection started 3 days ago and has not stopped. Ford, under no circumstances, will take his binki. He has even started to recently reject my knuckle. He will only nurse. This made for a tough first two days and nights, but last night was not nearly as bad. He slept a lot yesterday, and last night, for the first time he slept the entire night through....10:30pm-7:30am! Annabell actually woke me before he did.

His belly time is getting better. He still isn't a big fan of it, but he stays down on his tummy longer and will lift his chest along with his head.

Well that's all for y'all!

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