Friday, February 20, 2009

GG and Haiti

Well we have had a busy week so it has taken me a while to be able to post anything. Ford's Great Grandma on my mom's side flew in on Monday to come in Florida and visit. It was her Christmas gift from her kids. So we have been quite busy. Monday night Brad met his missions team in Ft. Myers at midnight (so technically it was Tuesday) and then left around 10am to Haiti. I will let him tell everyone all about it when he gets home. They arrived safely and thankfully he is able to email me on occasion. Please be praying for him and for the people there. Any who, we decided to take Grandma to the beach on Tuesday. She loved it and got a sunburn in the process. Ford wasn't as excited because he isn't able to play in the sand and sun until he can wear sunscreen so it kept him frustrated with having to be held most of the time. He did like watching his sister play though. I also took a picture of him in his big boy clothes. I love when they were little men clothes like Polo's! too cute. I also snapped a picture of him smiling at GG. He loves smiling at her. He got to play with two of his great grandmothers yesterday. We went there for lunch and so they could visit together. It was nice. Ford LOVED playing in the baby walker his G-ma bought for her grand kids. He liked being able to push it with his toes!
Last night Ford went to youth group with me and his sister stayed home. He loved all the attention and did wonderfully until the end of the night which was around 915, about an hour past his normal bed time. He started to cry as soon as we got into the car. He was so sleepy, but he went right to bed when we got home. Well I love y'all!

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