Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Ford has begun to sleep through the night...and I mean all the way! How wonderful it has been! He goes to bed around 8pm and then is out until 7am. It started when I began to give him HUGE feedings right before bed. I must of not been giving him enough before...but now he is doing well. He has also started to reach out and grab. This has made him and Annabell connect even more. She will put her face really close to his so that he will reach out and grab it. He loves to chew on his teething toys now too.

We went to the Edison Day Parade for the first time. It was nice. I took the kids and hitched a ride with the neighbors. Ford did great until the sirens went off while the fire and police vehicles went by, then he FREAKED out! His GG bought him a cute hat to wear during the parade while the sun was up, so his head wouldn't get burnt.
Here are some pictures in the cutest outfit EVER! I love the hat on him and the jersey says "Dad's Team". Speaking of, Brad comes home tomorrow! YAY! Please pray for his traveling! Also, GG left today. We had such a good visit with her. Ford LOVED to smile at her! He might get some of her red hair too, you can kind of see it in the back of his head...we'll see. Love y'all!

P.S. Ford chews on his tongue constantly, you can even see him doing it in some of the pictures. He is drooling a ton. So I think teeth aren't too far off.


Unknown said...

OH MY GOODNESS! they are precious Abby! I love Fords huge smile and big eyes, and dimples!!!!! he looks so much like annabell now! and the one of the two of them together is so so sweet! you have to print it. and i love the one of GG too! it brought a tear to my eye. You are so blessed. love you

Unknown said...

and you're right their heads are the same size! ford is a big boy!