Saturday, April 18, 2009

Happy Easter

Ford is the happiest kid I have ever seen. He is always smiling. He lights up a room with his adorable smile and huge eyes! On Easter he woke and was dressed in the cutest three piece suit, minus the jacket. ha. He had his first tie on as well!

Going to his first Easter egg hunt...he was more interested in his steering wheel than the hunt!

Ford loved gnawing on the eggs that his Daddy bought him. Brad couldn't help it, we weren't going to get him anything seeing he won't remember them or even care about an Easter basket, but when Brad saw eggs designed like baseballs he couldn't help himself. They were filled with candy that his sister and mom and dad got to take advantage of!

Well Ford road his first horse! Well not a real one, but he did ride his rocking horse! There is an attachment to the rocking horse that Annabell got for her first birthday.
I screwed the baby attachment on and it worked great! Ford loved it. He was very interested in the horses mane, because it crinkles.

Let's see, Ford is HUGE still! ha. He is now sitting up on his own, but sometimes still falls over, not too bad though. He lunges forward for things all the time, but can't get past being on his belly yet. He kind of scoots on his tummy sometimes. He is rolling around a ton in bed which sometimes wakes himself up, but usually he still sleeps. He took his first nap in a pack-n-play at my friend Brooke's house today. He slept great, even better than when in his swing, so I will probably start trying to put him in his crib for nap time as well. He is eating great. I think I will start other foods soon.

Here is a picture of Ford and Meema, his Great Grandmother. They were having so much fun together, I had to snap a photo!
Oh and one last thing, I think Ford said "HI", we he at least mimics the sound very well. Brooke is the one that noticed it first. We kept saying "Hi" every time he would make eye contact and then he would mimic it right back to us! It was pretty cool to hear, but I wouldn't count it as his first word quite yet. Well I love y'all!
P.S. We went to the pool today and Ford loved it! He's another one of my water babies!

1 comment:

Grandma Z. said...

Great pics! Good to see he likes the Horse and uses the seat. Love the picture of Mema and Ford smiling! All adorable.