Tuesday, May 5, 2009

6 month check up

Ford is a big boy! He just had his 6 month check up. Here are his stats:
  1. Weight = 20.81 lbs 97th
  2. Height = 29inches 95th
  3. Head = 90th
So we went in on Friday the 1st for his appointment but had to return on Monday for his shots since he was running a fever on Friday. Ford and Annabell were sick most of last week. Fords came and went quickly (so teething might have something to do with it). But besides his fever the Dr said he looks great. He is Very observant of everything and notices people and their eyes so well. He loves to stare into anyone's eyes and watch for you to lock into his gaze.

Ford also loves playing with his friends!
If we are hanging out with a friend that has a baby around his age, I will lay him on the ground next to the other kid and he will be completely amused. He has to reach out and touch them. Today he reached out and pulled the little girl's hair next to him.
Ford is really starting to enjoy the swing. He now will laugh when I push him a little faster than normal, or when I begin to tickle him while swinging.

Well Ford finally is starting to eat solids on a daily basis. (here is some video of him eating his first bit of avocado...you don't have to watch the whole thing because it's pretty long.)

He eats cereal everyday and now has been having avocado, which he likes, for a few days. It has caused him to be a little more uncomfortable when trying to go the bathroom (Gas!). But besides that he loves it. I think we will add sweet potato soon. He also gnawed on a banana today. He seemed to like it. He also is VERY interested in drinks and cups. I need to go buy him some slow drinking cups. He loves the flavor of his daddy's vitamin water...he doesn't drink it of course, just licks the rim of the bottle. Well Ford is SO close to crawling. He becomes very agitated when he can't move on his own. He has pushed his body up a few times, but he pushes up on his toes instead of his knees. I am wondering if he will go straight to pulling up and skip crawling. Only time will tell.
He has been pulling on his bumper at night. Tonight I went to check on him and his arm was stuck under his bumper so I had to pull it off him. I question if he should have it, but at the same time it cushions his head because he scoots himself up against the crib SO hard that it would hurt to be against the rails. Thankfully he can toss and turn if something bothers him.
Well I have included some of my favorite pictures of the past few weeks. Love y'all! (P.S. his GG ( Great Grandma Nester) bought him this hat...I LOVE it because it reminds me of my dad's marine hats!

1 comment:

Grandma Z. said...

The videos are great. That boy loves to eat! All the pictures are too cute.