Friday, May 15, 2009

go go go

Ford is on the move! Well not technically crawling but close! He ROLLS everywhere! He gets so frustrated when he can't crawl to something and somehow always seems to scoot backwards. He completely crosses rooms by rolling!

He had his first teething cookie tonight...not the best idea ever! He broke off several pieces and almost choked on them. We had to take it away and he was NOT happy. He gets very upset when something is taken away, he throws the biggest fit that he can. I took him out of the bath, which is his favorite time now. He loves to play with Annabell and splash (which he thinks is hilarious) and also plays with the blocks, anyways, I took him out of the bath and he throws a fit every time. He will not stop crying and throwing his hands down until I take him back in the bathroom. At least to watch his sister play while he's already in his PJs. That is the only time he gets upset really. Well besides when he gets hurt! On Monday I accidentally let him fall forward on a medal step at the park! I felt HORRIBLE and he felt worse. He had a huge goose egg right on his forehead. But thanks be to God he is just fine, you can barely see the bruise anymore either.
He still has no teeth in, for Zachritz babies I guess that is a long time (7 months), but for Armstrong's I don't think it's such a big deal. Both my kids seem to be taking after my side as for when their teeth come in.
Ford is starting to really reach out for people. He was so excited to see his daddy after work today that he jumped into his arms.
Ford will be trying banana and mango this week. Love y'all!

1 comment:

Grandma Z. said...

Ford's got a great little personality, but what a temper!!HAHA. Only when he's hungry!! He'll be crawling around in no time!