Friday, December 19, 2008

2 month Check up

Ford had his 2 month check up on Tuesday. The Dr said he looks great! Here are the stats:
  1. 14 1/2 lbs = 97%
  2. 41cm Head = 75%
  3. 25.25 inches = 97%
He grew 3 inches since his last check up! He continues to do wonderfully. Last night was a FABULOUS sleep night! He went to bed at 8:30pm and woke at 2 to eat and then back to sleep until 5am and then woke to eat and then asleep again until 8:30am and he is currently just now waking up around 9:30am!
He has started to really suck on his hands. I don't know if that is helping him at night or not...but I'm hoping he doesn't start to suck on his thumb. He also is loving to talk. But he keeps pretty quite unless someone talks to him, then he livens up and chatters away...seems like a guy thing. ha. He is also drooling a ton! I'm not sure if he could be teething, I don't think he is, but Brad only time will tell. Well we are getting ready for our trip to TN. Very excited, a lot of my family are coming to my dad's house to meet Ford for the first time. He's also meeting his aunt Sarah for the first time as well! We can't wait. Pray for his ears on the flight please, and for traveling mercies. Love you all! MERRY CHRISTMAS! Ford is such a great gift, I'm so thankful! Love y'all!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

can he say "linebacker"??!!!

Wow! he seriously weighs 16.5 lbs!!!! what are you feeding him? cottage cheese and beef? Wow! he's adorable, looks a lot like Bradford to me, he ironic, that's his name!

have fun in TN!!! love you!