Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas 08' and Santa visit

Well we went to see my side of the family in TN for Christmas. It was a very nice trip. When we arrived (after a 4 hour delay with two babies! another story) around 11:30pm, dad greeted us with a warm hug and smile and we went to go get our luggage, to find that they lost Ford's bag. LUCKILY he is very low maintenance and his Papa bought him some very cute outfits! He bought him the outfit he wore when seeing Santa for the first time at the Nashville Bass Pro Shop. Ford did wonderfully. He sat in his arms with no problems.
Ford was able to meet a lot the family for the first time. My cousins from Arkansas came up to meet him, Ashley and Charles and their son Cash. Then my Indiana Family came down to see him, Great Grandma Nester, Uncle Danny, Aunts Patty and Jackie and cousins Hailey and Josh and Laura. It was pretty fun seeing everyone. We had a full house. Ford got some belly time on Friday and Corona the dog was very protective of him.

Christmas morning was so nice. The kids opened their presents, and Ford had some very cool gifts. His papa got him a 2008 Mustang FORD action car. Very appropriate. The year he is born and his name too. He also got a ton of stuff, including some great books to play with and his first T-Ball set for infants! He's on his way to LOVING baseball, whether he knows it or not, ha.
We had a great time. It was nice to see everyone and went way too fast. Ford slept a lot but also was held a lot by his papa, aunts and relatives.
When we came home, arrive back at the house around 11:00pm the kids went right to sleep. We went to church to hear Brad preach in the main service for the first time. He did wonderfully! Ford began to cry right after Brad's sermon ended. He missed hearing his daddy's voice. Then we went out to lunch and back to the house for Christmas with Big Pop and G-ma. Ford was spoiled of course, he got many toys and outfits, and also got a 2008 Ford Truck from his Big Pop! I guess Great minds think a like!
He also got some great gifts from his Aunt Michelle and Uncle Matt (who are expecting another blessing in June!)! Thank you all!
Ford has really started to jabber away. He loves making eye contact and smiling and talking with people. Here is some video of him and Grandma!

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