Sunday, December 21, 2008

Best role ever...

Ford was chosen to play Jesus today at our Christmas Service at church! Well, chosen by me and then I asked if he could play the part and they obliged! ha. He did wonderfully! He slept in 'Mary's' arms the entire time. Not one peep. I just wanted to show everyone some pictures of this big day before we are off to TN for Christmas. Love y'all!

P.S. Here is a video of Ford (keep in mind still only 2 months old...) on his belly doing 'belly time' and then rolling himself over. SO CUTE, and I finally caught in on film. It's kind of long but watch until the end and you will see him role. He's been rolling since 4 weeks old! CRAZY STRONG!
MERRY CHRISTMAS!(I'll try the video won't post.)

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