Thursday, January 29, 2009


Ford has found his toes! It is so cute to see him grab at them and sway back and forth on his back. I think he is getting closer to rolling over onto his belly. He also is sitting quite well in his bumbo chair. He use to only be able to sit in it for a few seconds before his head would get too heavy. Lately though, he is able to sit for 10-15 minutes, which gives me time to get his sister dressed or changed or fed, and still know that he is getting some 'neck strengthening' time. I have included some pictures of Ford being loved on by his sister. He really is such a good sport. He isn't bothered unless she pushes or pulls too hard. OR if she covers his mouth he freaks out. He always panics if we are taking off his clothes and pull his shirt over his head. He acts as if he can't breath. I try to take it off or put it on fast so he doesn't get too scared.
Well that's all for y'all!


The Walters Family said...

So cute!! He is getting so big!! Cohen freaks out too when we pull clothes over his head! Those boys!
Love you,

Grandma Z. said...

The pic of him holding his toes, reminds me soooo much of his Daddy when he was that age. Too cute!

Unknown said...

i love his dimples abby! he's really filling out! he's so cute! i bet you squeeze him all day long. he's such a little guy.