Saturday, February 14, 2009

4 month check-up

(Ford's whining face)

(reading with sis and Grandma)

Ford had his 4 month check-up three days ago. He is growing extremely well and is always happy, except for after his shots...more on that later. Here are his stats:
  • Weight 17.8 lbs 95%
  • Height 27.125 inches 97%
  • Head 44 cm 90%
He is a BIG Boy! He is only 7 lbs short of his 1 1/2 year old sisters weight! And I completely believe his head is as big as hers is now! ha.

Well after MUCH prayer and deliberation and reading I decided to go ahead and give Ford his shots. It came down to having peace with my Dr's decisions on being adamant about giving the shots and his information against the popular positions about waving or spacing out vaccines. I prayed and prayed and prayed and decided to go with my doctor on this. I have to just leave it in the Lord's hands because I don't know all the answers on this topic! Even if I did I would still leave it in His hands! So I prayed for God's protection on Ford held his hands and then watched him scream. SO SAD! His face turned as red as a strawberry and he cried tears immediately! After the nurse was done, I nursed him and he calmed down. He was fine all day. But the next day he began to cry when I picked him up from his crib. He had two HUGE lumps in his legs from his shot and a slight fever. The fever made me nervous because Annabell has had one for about a week on and off. I'm pretty sure it was from the shots though. His fever ranged from 100 degrees to 99.2, but never higher than that. Finally his lumps are starting to go down some today. He has been a happy baby as long as his legs weren't being touched.

This is a video of Annabell making Ford laugh. Of course he was laughing a lot before I got the camera out! If you watch the video for a while you will see her finally start to jump and make him laugh. She is so proud that he laughs as you can see when she claps for herself!

Well I think Ford will be able to role onto his belly soon. He sways back and forth on his back and grabs his toes while doing so. I'm sure it will be any day now.

This next video is of Ford still watching Annabell. I really like it because you notice how he watches her every move! He really looks up to her already! I love being able to see them become friends! It is a wonderful thing. Annabell already asks for Ford to be able to take a bath with her every time now. He has taken 2 baths with her and she loves it. He likes it too and seems to be excited about all the toys in the tub! Well that is it for now...oh wait. HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!

Ford received his first Valentine card from his 2nd cousin Thomas (Brian and Lisa's son). It was very cute! He also got lots of goodies from his Grandma...of course! She is such a spoiler!
Oh and on another note, I started to read black and white books to Ford. He REALLY likes them! They keep his focus much longer than regular books and the library has a lot of selection. Well that is all for now! Love y'all!

p.s. Ford went to the beach for the first time today. No sand or water seeing it's too cool and he can't even stand up yet. But soon enough!

1 comment:

Grandma Z. said...

Good decision! What's wrong with Grandma? Little Big Man, Ford.