Sunday, March 8, 2009

Motor Skills

My neighbor Heather was an elementary teacher before taking on the job of stay at home mom. She knows a lot about learning development and things of that sort. She is always watching my kids and pointing out things I would probably not notice or at least not correlate with a learned skill or brain development etc. She says that Ford has awesome "Gross Motor Skills" and his sis has really good "Fine motor skills".
From what I understand gross motor skills are things like "rolling, jumping etc..." for an Infant I believe it would be his ability to play while pushing himself up and untying his shoe laces, holding toys, grabbing faces, etc. Today in the nursery he was sitting on the floor (on his bottom) with one of the ladies behind him and playing with all the different toys, he will even crawl his hands out to reach for more toy and stay steady. He keeps amazing me. He made the "Da" sound the other day. It will be interesting to see when he says his first word. I think his fine motor skills are also really great. He can now put the binki in his mouth. Yes he finally took a binki again! He started about 2 weeks ago. It has been nice. He doesn't really use it that much though, sometimes he still rejects it too, but it calms him down if I can't feed him while driving or something of that sort. He is eating so much! Looking at him you would think he is eating solid foods by now, but just milk! He has even needed a bottle of expressed milk on top of his last feeding for the evening, it is helping him sleep through the night, which is great! 7:30pm-7/8am! I'm loving it, he is such an easy baby. So happy too, he smiles at everyone, and seems to make everyone around him happy!
He has become very interested in food, he will watch every bite we take and begins to drool. He would of already had food by now if it was up to Annabell. I have caught her several times trying to share her cookies, fruit, milk and juice. I am hoping to not introduce any solids until 6 months though, we will see if he can wait that long.
Well I haven't taken many pictures lately since Brad has had the camera, so here is some of what I had...random shots of Ford. Love y'all!

1 comment:

Grandma Z. said...

He's just too cute! I sure do hope he likes sports!