Saturday, April 4, 2009

Growing so fast

Ford has grown leaps and bounds in the last few weeks. On Tuesday her rolled from his back to his belly twice, and by the next day he was doing it non stop. I heard him crying tonight after I laid him down and when I went in he had rolled himself over and was crying because he wanted up.

Ford has also had cereal finally, yesterday was the first day. He LOVES it. He couldn't get enough. He had no problem chewing and swallowing his food. He was so excited and I couldn't feed him fast enough. So now he has cereal after his second late morning feeding. I'm not sure if it's the food, but he slept great last night, but he has been doing that for a while.

Ford also got to go to his first Pro Baseball game. He was more interested in his hands most of the time, but we did catch him watching a bit. But after a while the heat was too much and he past out. Brad said Ford looks like he looked in the dug out! ha! We had great seats, 3rd row back, but went up the the cheap seats so not to bother everyone around us when the kids started to get fussy. Plus the sun was very hot for the kids!

Annabell tripped and fell landing her head against Ford's head. I was so worried about them and they both got huge knots on their heads and bruises. Praise God for healing them quickly though. Ford stopped crying within a minute. Which actually made me nervous. But he was great.

1 comment:

Grandma Z. said...

I think he's ready for more than cereal! That boy loves food!!!