Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Little boy

Ford is looking more and more like a little boy and less like my little baby. For moms this brings mixed emotions. TIME GOES BY SO FAST! I am so thankful for Ford and Annabell. They bring such JOY to me! God is so GREAT!
Well Ford is now sitting up on his own. I still usually put a boppie behind him just in case but he is doing really well. He started about 4-5 days ago. I read my friends blog and saw her son sitting up and thought, "why haven't I been doing that with Ford?" and he took to it like a duck in water. He is getting really close to crawling now! When I go into his bedroom he is on the total opposite side in his crib and flipped the other way. I love this stage with Ford, he is so snuggly with me, I hope that never changes.
We will be trying avocado, sweet potatoes, and bananas soon. I plan on making his food on Sunday. He is doing great with cereal but wants more! Well this is all for now. Love y'all!

The pictures are old, but I thought you would want to see something. Love y'all.

1 comment:

Grandma Z. said...

Great Family picture. He's looking more like his Dad to me, but his nose is a combination of the two of you. Adorable!