Thursday, May 21, 2009

always happy

Ford is always happy. It's one of the first things people say about him. I ventured to the grocery store in the rain with 3 kids...ha. It was a fun day. I decided to not bring even one carrier in because it would take up too much room. Ford was TICKLED PINK that he got to sit in the 'Car'. He kept moving the steering wheel pretending he was driving the entire time, with the exception of taking time to laugh hysterically. These pictures captured a lot of the kids. Annabell loved being the 'Big' girl and sitting in both the cart section and the front by me. The babies (Ford and Briana) enjoyed driving the cart.

Drool is pretty much what covers all of Ford's clothes now. I still see no teeth but I have never experience a baby with so much slobber. He teethes on EVERYTHING too. He gets so mad when I take stuff from his mouth when he's trying to chew on them.
Lately he squirms and pushes away from me when he sees anyone or something (toys etc..) that he wants. It's crazy because he will push off my lap to get down and play but doesn't know how to crawl yet. You would think he does by the way he acts. He looks as if he is ready to walk away. He's about big enough too! He's so big, and heavy! Love every bit of him!

Today we went to the park. I just took a picture of Ford being patient while waiting for his turn in the swing. Then a picture of him being excited while swinging. And finally a picture of him with my dear friend Adrienne, she's visiting from Hawaii. Love y'all!

p.s. Ford's now eating bananas what next...carrots??? ;)

1 comment:

Grandma Z. said...

Love all the pics but especially the one with all 3 smiling. Adorable!Wish they had carts like this when I had little ones!!!