Sunday, June 21, 2009


I forgot to mention a few things:
  • Ford claps when he gets excited or when we say "YAY!", it's so cute. He also claps when we play patty cake. He's been doing this for about 3 weeks.
  • Ford can pull himself to standing now! Man that happened quick!
  • He blows raspberries on me and actually tries to do so (I think I might of mentioned this before).
  • He now will "chase" Annabell and I which he thinks is hilarious since he is crawling.
  • He has another tooth coming in on the top...I think it's the one beside the front center teeth.
  • He will say "YAAAAAAAY!" when we do sometimes. He likes to "sing" if Annabell is singing too.
Happy Father's Day Daddy!

1 comment:

Grandma Z. said...

Go Ford!!! He's a cutie!