Thursday, June 18, 2009


We have had an eventful few weeks. It started out with our visit from Jana Soviar. We finally got to meet her little girl, Elise. Ford and Elise are about 1 month apart. He enjoyed having someone around his size. He's use to being pushed around by his sister, so I think he was surprised to see someone his size. He grabbed her pretty rough a few times, but that's what happens when you are use to being the smallest, you learn to be tough. Elise was a good sport with all the affection from Ford and Annabell. Ford looks like a Zachritz as you can see in any picture, and Elise looks like an Evans to me. Maybe they'll be as good as friends as Brad and Blake were!

Soon after Jana's visit came our visit with my TN family! Papa, Aunt Kari, Mikayla and Sharon all came down. Kari got about 12 days with me and dad and Sharon had about 5 days once they got her from Orlando. Ford was able to experience his first boat ride while they came down. We all really enjoyed it. I don't think, however, that Ford enjoyed his life jacket at ALL. It was a bit too big for him, but the smallest one we had. So it was raised around his chin and face, which caused him to get a little frustrated. He did enjoy the wind though.

Ford has been spoiled from all the attention everyone gave him. Especially from his Papa. He played with Ford quite a bit and Ford ate up every moment of it.

Ford had started to belly crawl a few weeks ago and scoot to where ever he needed but last week he actually started to crawl on all four! He had been rocking back in forth but hadn't taken more than one leap forward, but about a week ago he started to crawl, and I was so happy that my family got to see it! He really must of had a switch go off in his head because he was and is all over the place. His little chubby knees get so red from crawling all day! He gets excited that he can get to whatever he wants now, which has made me keenly aware of how messy my house is! Spring cleaning in the summer is about to happen.

Ford has also been saying "Maamaa" for about 3 weeks now. He directs it to me which is amazing to me. If he wants me and I'm not around he will begin to yell "mmmmmmmmmaaammmmmmmmmmaaaa" until I come pick him up. I really enjoy hearing my name being called!
Ford has eaten quite a bit of solid food lately! He has had bread, tortilla, watermelon, & mango. He really enjoys all of it. I did give him egg yolks this morning which he was excited about at first, but after the first one wasn't as enthusiastic about. He also loves drinking his water from his cup and does a pretty good job with it. His clothes are always soaking wet afterward, but that's okay.
I think one of Ford's "Eye" teething are coming in. he at least has a white spot we'll see.
In the video below Ford is having his first taste of watermelon from his aunt Kari. He looked like a little bird waiting to get fed, so I caught a few moments. If you notice he is in a walker. He no longer plays in a walker, exersaucer, swing, bouncer, bumbo, or anything else confining. Which makes my day a little more chaotic, but still wonderful. I can't believe how old he is, I feel like I just had him!
The other video is of Brad "wrestling" with KK, Annabell, and Ford. I love how Ford was all about jumping in and trying to climb on daddy!

and last but not least is a tiny snid bit of Ford crawling. I will get some better footage soon. You have to watch for a minute to see it. Ford and Annabell are playing. They have really started to interact which is wonderful, he even makes her laugh now! Love y'all!
p.s. Ford likes to blow raspberries on me, it cracks me up because he is actually trying to blow raspberries! ! !

1 comment:

Grandma Z. said...

Ford is just such a sweet boy! Looks like you had alot of fun. I think jana's baby looks like an Evans.