Thursday, June 18, 2009

It's a small world after all....

Well we finally ventured out and decided to take the kids to Disney. My TN family came in and we met in Orlando. Papa got us 5 day passes so we went as long as we could, 3 different parks, 3 days in a row. Talk about a roller coaster, we had a blast, but we were exhausted when all was said and done. Ford enjoyed looking around. He really liked "it's a small world after all" at Magic Kingdom and "Nemo" at Epcot. Thankfully we had a double stroller and the kids were covered from the sun. Ford enjoyed the rides he rode. He couldn't ride too much though except for at Magic Kingdom. But the heat and teething kept him a little irritable, but considering all things he behaved extremely well. He would even nurse while waiting in line so not to take out too much time during the day. He was especially interested the characters.

Animal Kingdom was also pretty interesting to him because he was able to see all kinds of Animals, and hear live music from the different "cultures".
So thank you papa for the great time!

Oh yes, that's right, I did mention teething. Well on the first day at Magic Kingdom we discovered that Ford's first tooth pooped through! By the end of the week his second tooth (both bottom middle) had come through as well. He was drooling a ton, but has been since 2 months so I didn't suspect until he BIT me while nursing! I thought it hurt more than normal and sure enough he had a tooth! He has been a happy baby though, no fever, or extra fussing, he's just been great!

You can see in the above pictures that he is gnawing on his binki.

While in Orlando he had his first taste of bread...he did quite well with it. He has also had watermelon, puffs, yogurt puffs, & cheerios. He had some meat but seemed to spit up most of it...
He also had his first experience with us all sleeping (kari, brad, kk, annabell and I) in the same room. He did pretty good by the third night, the first two not so much. He was use to sleeping in more quite and dark rooms. I was happy to see him adjust ok though, especially since he'll be sleeping in TN soon with us in his room.

Love y'all!


Unknown said...

so much fun! he's getting so big! i love his hair... and you are so hot abby! you look great!

Grandma Z. said...

Looks like you all had alot of fun!! Ford looks like he really enjoyed it.