Wednesday, October 29, 2008

2 Week Check Up

He loves chewing on the ears of the dogs!

Well it turns out I didn't miss Ford's two week check up. I just thought I had. It was actually scheduled for today because our pediatrician was on vacation. Well he did wonderfully at his appointment. I don't know why but both my kids do very well with doctors. He just laid there and starred at Dr. Guttery while he checked him out. Here are his stats:

Weight: 10.3 Lbs (75%)
Height: 22.25 Inches (90%)
Head 37.5 Cm (50%)

I couldn't believe he gained 2 lbs in 2 weeks. The doctor noticed that Ford has large hands and feet and said he is going to be a big boy! I can't imagine my little Ford growing so big! I look at his smooth face and think to myself, one day he'll have facial hair! AH! Time goes by so fast, so I'm cherishing it all! He FINALLY found a binki that he'll somewhat hold on to. He hasn't liked a single one until this one. It allowed him to sleep for several hours straight after eating last night. The doctor said all the air Ford is swallowing is probably a reason for all the gas, but it's something he's just going to have to work out. It hurts his tummy so bad though, and Mylicon didn't work for him. So I am just trying to make sure his latch is good and hopefully that will help.
We have had some outings on our own lately. I took Ford and his sister to the park two days ago successfully. He did really well. There were a ton of people there though, so I was a bit nervous about germs. But most people steered clear of Ford. He seems to be able to see more these days or farther anyways. He noticed himself in the mirror at the doctors office and was very observant. Oh and here is a picture of Brad with Ford at the pumpkin patch, it was too cold to really pull him off Brad and show his all the colors.
There also is a picture of Annabell running to Ford and watching him until I come and get him when he's crying. She is a good big sister to him!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Belly Button

Ford lost his Belly button this morning. When I woke around 5-6 to feed him, I went to change his diaper and noticed it gone. I found it on the bed this morning. I think it had some prompting from G-ma and all her alcohol yesterday ;). Either way it's now gone and we don't have to fold his diapers down anymore. It lasted 16 days after birth! As for other things, Ford is doing great. I missed his 2 week appointment. They usually do an automated phone call for the appointment, but I had no such luck this time, so out my mind it slipped! I will call Monday and try to get him in. Everything else is going great. We are missing our 5 year reunion this weekend since we had Ford. It would of been nice to see everyone, but maybe next year!
Here is a picture of one of Ford's "i'm pooping" faces. He has a few but I love the tongue sticking out like jordan when he does a dunk. ha. He seems to poop all day because he eats all day. Last night he ate nearly every 1 1/2. He must of needed it. Well we love y'all!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

First bath

(the third bath picture i like to call Turtle neck since he's stretching his neck out so far.)

Last week Ford had his first bath. He liked it much more than his sister liked her first one. But this time I knew to keep him much warmer constantly. He peed as soon as the water hit his skin, something I'm not use to yet, boy pee. ha. Anyways, Ford is doing great. He seems to already be putting on weight, which will be confirmed or refuted tomorrow at his 2 week appointment. His umbilical cord is still attached, but hopefully will come off soon; and his circumcision is completely healed (about a week now) which is comforting for me to know, it makes it easier for me to change him with out worrying I'll hurt his healing I said before, we have no boys in my family so it's all new to me. Brad actually changed all his diapers for the first 2 days because I didn't know how to. ha.

I also forgot to post pictures of the first time Annabell held him.
As you can see her interest lasted for about 1 minute. ha.

Meema also is seen her holding him for the first time, as well as Mikayla, Ford's cousin. She was so cute with him. She wanted to hold him a lot but became sick half way through her visit. She did really well be cautious around him though and would kiss the top of his head.

Also we now have a double stroller, complements of G-ma and Big Pop. Annabell LOVES it and Ford isn't too found of it yet, but will be once he realizes it takes him to go play...but that will be months from now.

Monday, October 20, 2008

sleeping or wide awake

There doesn't seem to be a luke warm with Ford. He is either wide awake or asleep. And last night he was wide awake. He literally at from 8pm-12am, just taking a break to cry or try and poop. I am not sure what caused this. It could be that I had some ice cream with a little chocolate in it. OR that I was stimulating him too much during the day and interrupting his sleeping pattern. Either way, we decided today to let him sleep as long and as much as he wants, which has pretty much been all day since 1:30pm and it is now 8pm! I am hoping this works because it is much nicer when he sleeps at night. We had a rough night last night, he was up until around 12:30am and then again at 2:30am and again at 5:30am and again around 7am and then he slept and slept. But I had to get up after his last feeding to get Annabell going. So I was pretty tired today. He is doing wonderfully besides last night. His belly time is continuing to strengthen him. I love watching him because he makes so many funny faces. I try to capture them on film but of course I never really do, here are some pictures of him though, and even some video, not the most exciting video ever but I could watch it over and over...but I'm mom! Love y'all!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Welcome Son!

Well I am officially starting a blog for our newest addition to the Zachritz family. Bradford James Zachritz II "Ford" was born on 10-10-08 at 4:08am. He will be a week old tomorrow and I already feel like time is flying by. Just a quick recap of his birth:
I started feeling contractions consistently and around 1:30am I woke Brad telling him that I thought it could be time. We left the house around 2:30am and arrived at the hospital. The contractions were strong but felt nothing like how they did with Annabell's labor. They said I was 6 cm upon arriving and asked me to walk down to the room for delivery. Which I could do, I just had to stop to breath through the contractions which were about every 2-3 minutes at that point. Then they got me all hooked up to the monitors and an IV hook up (but no iv was used until after birth). Dr. Eligati came in and checked me since she was on call, and I was 8cm so she went ahead and broke my water, and about 30 minutes later with 4 contractions of pushing, Ford was born. The first 3 nights he was completely upside down on day and night, and then when we went to get his Jaundice checked out on 10-13 (which he is almost past I believe) the Dr. told me to stimulate him more during the day and then don't stimulate him at all during feedings at night, and it worked like a charm. He has done wonderfully since. He only woke up once last night to feed, but feeds every 1 1/2 - 2 hours during the day. I think he's making up for the missed feedings at night. He is SO strong, during his belly time he already moves his head from side to side and can even pick his chest up! He can almost role himself over from back to belly when he has the urge to root for food. He's amazingly strong. I have to put him near the foot of his bassinet when we go to bed because by the time we wake up for his feeding he is near the top. Oh and we have been shot by his pee during diaper changes two times today alone. He is changed into new clothes so often!
Well my TN family left today, I was sad to see them go! They were so helpful! I didn't have to lift a finger to clean my house, make dinner, or anything else. I was able to just focus on healing and my two kids while they were here, which was awesome. Today was my first day with the two kids. Once I'm healed completely I feel it will be much easier. I have a hard time picking up Annabell now, and I feel the need to hold Ford more since he sleeps so much during the night. He had his second belly time today (His one week birthday today). I put two toys on each side of him for something to focus on. He looked back and forth three to four times. Oh and he eats wonderfully, but man he milks it. He takes his time and will eat for 20-30 minutes at a time. His sister would be done in 5-10 max. So it takes longer to do things so I will have to be very scheduled to time out his feedings with Annabell's naps and meals etc. Today they collided so I found my self feeding ford while trying to get her out of her crib and hold her simultaneously, pretty funny to watch. Well we love y'all and thank you all for your prayers! God was so gracious with his birth and health! He heard all my (our) prayers! Love y'all!