Thursday, October 23, 2008

First bath

(the third bath picture i like to call Turtle neck since he's stretching his neck out so far.)

Last week Ford had his first bath. He liked it much more than his sister liked her first one. But this time I knew to keep him much warmer constantly. He peed as soon as the water hit his skin, something I'm not use to yet, boy pee. ha. Anyways, Ford is doing great. He seems to already be putting on weight, which will be confirmed or refuted tomorrow at his 2 week appointment. His umbilical cord is still attached, but hopefully will come off soon; and his circumcision is completely healed (about a week now) which is comforting for me to know, it makes it easier for me to change him with out worrying I'll hurt his healing I said before, we have no boys in my family so it's all new to me. Brad actually changed all his diapers for the first 2 days because I didn't know how to. ha.

I also forgot to post pictures of the first time Annabell held him.
As you can see her interest lasted for about 1 minute. ha.

Meema also is seen her holding him for the first time, as well as Mikayla, Ford's cousin. She was so cute with him. She wanted to hold him a lot but became sick half way through her visit. She did really well be cautious around him though and would kiss the top of his head.

Also we now have a double stroller, complements of G-ma and Big Pop. Annabell LOVES it and Ford isn't too found of it yet, but will be once he realizes it takes him to go play...but that will be months from now.

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