Wednesday, October 29, 2008

2 Week Check Up

He loves chewing on the ears of the dogs!

Well it turns out I didn't miss Ford's two week check up. I just thought I had. It was actually scheduled for today because our pediatrician was on vacation. Well he did wonderfully at his appointment. I don't know why but both my kids do very well with doctors. He just laid there and starred at Dr. Guttery while he checked him out. Here are his stats:

Weight: 10.3 Lbs (75%)
Height: 22.25 Inches (90%)
Head 37.5 Cm (50%)

I couldn't believe he gained 2 lbs in 2 weeks. The doctor noticed that Ford has large hands and feet and said he is going to be a big boy! I can't imagine my little Ford growing so big! I look at his smooth face and think to myself, one day he'll have facial hair! AH! Time goes by so fast, so I'm cherishing it all! He FINALLY found a binki that he'll somewhat hold on to. He hasn't liked a single one until this one. It allowed him to sleep for several hours straight after eating last night. The doctor said all the air Ford is swallowing is probably a reason for all the gas, but it's something he's just going to have to work out. It hurts his tummy so bad though, and Mylicon didn't work for him. So I am just trying to make sure his latch is good and hopefully that will help.
We have had some outings on our own lately. I took Ford and his sister to the park two days ago successfully. He did really well. There were a ton of people there though, so I was a bit nervous about germs. But most people steered clear of Ford. He seems to be able to see more these days or farther anyways. He noticed himself in the mirror at the doctors office and was very observant. Oh and here is a picture of Brad with Ford at the pumpkin patch, it was too cold to really pull him off Brad and show his all the colors.
There also is a picture of Annabell running to Ford and watching him until I come and get him when he's crying. She is a good big sister to him!

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