Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween 08'

Well yesterday we celebrated Ford's first Halloween. He did wonderfully, he slept and ate all day. Ha. He has been having trouble with Gas lately, and his tummy hurts him pretty bad, that is the only time he cries, and it's a pretty loud scream. We tried so Mylicon again last night, and it either helped or the gas passed. Well we had friends over for a get together last night. They brought their kids and we all went trick or treating. The kids were all around Annabell's age, so she played with them while the girls took turns holding Ford. We bundled him up in a blanket because it was in the low 70's last night, and walked around while trick or treating. He was awake for about 1 minute and then conked out. He loves cuddling.
He was a baseball player for his costume...which was really an outfit he got that looked like a uniform and we called it his costume. He went to Publix for the safe trick or treating with his sister, but also slept through that! ha. I was nervous that eating the cheese cake (with chocolate) would keep him awake, but he slept pretty well last night. He went to bed around 10:30-11am (which is late for him because all the people over), and then woke at 2:30 to eat and 4:30 and then again at 7am. He usually sleeps the longest the first stretch after going to bed and then wakes every 2-3 hours afterwards.
Today we went on a walk as a family around 6:30pm. It was nice and cool, and we had the kids in the double stroller. It was the first walk that Ford hadn't cried during. He seems to enjoy the cool weather more, and he loves being bundled up in his blanket. He is starting to out grow his Newborn size. Even the diapers are a bit small, but I'm trying to use them all to save $! Well here are some pictures. We are also planning on going to church for the first time since he's been born. Please pray that he doesn't catch a cold or anything from all the people.

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