Friday, November 28, 2008

Eye Contact

Ford had a great first thanksgiving. He walked the 5k Turkey Trot at 6 weeks old, I'm so proud, he-he. He also did great considering I ate a delicious German Cholcolate cake with TONS of Chocolate on it, which I don't usually do considering I'm nursing. But he didn't seemed bothered, he even slept for 4 hours straight last night which was nice. We slept in until 11am this morning, Ford and I. Annabell stayed with her G-ma so we were able to sleep in, he woke for food and went back to sleep fairly fast...with me encouraging him to sleep so I could too!
Ford's eye contact has really taken off! He now looks around at people and smiles and coos a ton! Here is a video of him playing in his bouncy seat on Thanksgiving. It is the first time that he has recognized the animals on the seat and began to play with them! I was happy to catch it on video. He also has now met 3 out of 4 of his great grandmothers, what a blessing to have them in his life! He met Grandma Z yesterday and cuddled with her for a while. Now he just needs to meet Grandma Nester and hopefully we'll see her at Christmas time!

1 comment:

Grandma Z. said...

Adorable. He looks so peaceful!