Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Family Night

Well last night we decided to go out as a family since Brad will be working this Saturday, and I need to prepare for a friends shower I am throwing. So we went to Mike Greenwells, a local family game/sports place and then out to dinner. Ford did great, he slept in his stroller the entire time until the end of dinner, which was perfect. I fed him after eating while we were waiting on the check and then to the house we went to watch the election unfold. We were disappointed that McCain lost, but encouraged to start to fight for what is right. Brad and I both have decided to start to stand against things that are evils in this world and voice our opinion for our kids! I also found that Garlic (we ate Italian) is a gas trigger for Ford. So we went ahead and gave him some Mylicon and he slept well and wasn't too hurt from gas pains. He is still taking two really long naps during the late morning and early evening, and then he's ready for bed. Last night he went to bed around 9pm and then was up again for another feeding around 10:30 and then he slept until 1:30 and then again until 4:30. He did wonderfully. We went on a walk this morning and I got 2 laps in before he started to cry. I don't think it's the walking necessarily that is making him cry. I think it's the gas pains after a feeding, since I feed him to make sure he's content before we go. Well here are some pictures...we put a few things on him that he didn't get a chance to wear on Halloween. He wasn't the biggest fan of me making him wear a hat and bib, but he sure did look cute. We love y'all! Oh and I love the picture with his finger at his mouth...he looked like he was in deep thought!

1 comment:

The Walters Family said...

His sleeping schdeule and habits sound exactly like Cohen's!!! Those boys! Love you!!!