Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Baby Dedication and Smiles

Two nights ago Ford and I were hanging out while his daddy was working on some equipment outside. He was wide awake and very observant. I began to talk to him and he started to coo back. So I started to smile and say "HI" in a really high pitched voice and he began to smile so big and sigh and coo that sounded like laughing with out the chuckle. It lasted for about an entire minute. I was so excited to see him look me in the eyes and smile. It's a wonderful feeling when he starts to realize that I am there and gives me the confirmation that he knows I'm there.
I love his big cheeks! That is one trait I think all my children will have. He also has dimples on both sides but a stronger one on the left (when looking at him). His eyes are becoming a little lighter blue now. The gray is starting to fade a away, but his eyes are a much deeper blue then Annabell's. Very handsome.
I took the kids out for our morning walk and then to the park to play. As I was getting Ford out of his stroller and into his carrier a lady said "aw how cute, is he about 3 months?" I began to tell her he is 6 weeks and I accidentally said "6 months" and she was sure he was! I corrected myself and said "6 weeks" and she said "WOW he is big". He really is too, so alert and strong! He is wearing anywhere from 0-3 months to 3-6 months. 3 months seems to fit him the best though. He also has started to recognize Annabell's voice which is adorable. When she wakes in the morning he is usually making some noise while he plays by himself but as soon as he hears her he perks up, eyes wide open, and sometimes even smiles. I'm excited for them to become friends!
Well on Sunday we had baby dedication day, and we dedicated Ford to the Lord and ourselves to raising him to know the Lord. It felt good to do! Here are some pictures. (They are really Dark) His cousin Briana also was dedicated. Love y'all!

1 comment:

Grandma Z. said...

These pictures are precious. He's so cute!