Sunday, November 16, 2008

Big boy

I love his big eyes!

Ford is such a big boy! Today was a cold day, so I had to dress him warm, when looking for an outfit I found 3 month clothes that were perfect on him! Maybe a hair big but not by much, and he's only 5 weeks old! He also eats a TON! Today we went to the park for our churches annual picnic. It was cold and windy so he was bundled up pretty well. He also got some time in with his Big Pop while G-ma and I went to the store to grab lunch.
They were watching football together, well Ford was sleeping most of the time. He sleeps great still! Wakes once around 11pm, 2am, 5am and then he's up at 7am. I'm going to start to try and give him a huge feeding around 11 and hopefully he'll sleep a bit longer. Well here are some pictures...oh and to all that live here in Cape, we are doing his baby dedication day this coming Sunday at our church, PLEASE COME. It is the day we have set aside to dedicate ourselves to raising him to know the Lord. It's a wonderful day! Well I love y'all!
P.S. I now use his front it, and he is starting to like it as first not so much but once he learned he could relax in it and sleep he grew to love it. Oh and here is a little video of the kids just hanging around the house.


Grandma Z. said...

He's a little cutie! Big Pop looks like he's enjoying spending time with Ford.

Anonymous said...

this video put a huuuuge smile on my face and makes me want another baby soon:D