Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Rolling over!

Okay, I know reading the title everyone is thinking yeah right, but I HAVE to document this. I'm sure you have all read about how strong I think Ford is. And he really is strong but today he demonstrated how incredibly strong he is! I went to bible study with the kids this morning, first time since Ford was born. I laid him on the grown and changed his diaper, and then rolled him over for some belly time while I was talking with the ladies in my group. Then right in front of everyone he rolled from his belly to his back! He wasn't lodged funny, or tilting to the side or anything that would give him an advantage, he was flat on his belly and pushed himself over! It was nice that it happened at bible study or no one would believe me! It was only that one time today, so we'll see how soon it happens again. Well I just wanted to note that. Also he has started smiling more...i love his cute dimples! Two of them! Also, he is starting to make more cooing noises. He is also a VERY loud eater. Different than his sissy was. Well we love y'all!

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