Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Ford has had a difficult time eating lately. It seems to be only when he's not super hungry, but he swallows a ton of air. His belly starts hurting so bad but he tries to continue to eat while crying. When he is really hungry he doesn't have this problem. So I tried to space his feedings a bit more and it seems to help.
It was quite cold today so I got him all dressed in some winter clothes...little boy clothes are so cute! His big sister was taking a lot of interest in him this morning while he was in his chair, as you can see. She is protective and loves when he looks at her. Very cute.
He had shoes on for about 2 seconds today before he kicked one off. He is so active, my friend Wheetay commented on how awake he was for a new born. He seems to love to look around. Well here are some pictures. Love y'all!

1 comment:

Grandma Z. said...

He's a cutie and what a good BIg Sister.