Friday, January 2, 2009


Ford has the most expressive eyes. He is always watching everyone and very observant. He has been copying our mouths when we talk and mimicking the motions with his. He also gets very excited when he hears new noises. Today I was making a new noise with my mouth (you'll hear it on the video) and his eyes would get HUGE every time he heard and see.

Ford has also been drooling a ton, but I haven't noticed any smoothing of his ridges or anything else to indicate teething, but who knows!
Well we have been trying to give him belly time but her REALLY doesn't like it, I've been putting his toys in front of him lately to try and entice him but there is no luck, he still doesn't like it. He did fall asleep once on his belly but that is the only time he stayed down on his tummy. Well we love y'all! (p.s. here is a pix of his room, atleast part of it)


Grandma Z. said...

He is really going after his hands. I wonder if he will get teeth early like his dad. Gotta love those eyes!

Casey said...

i LOOOVE that video!!! Good work!