Saturday, May 30, 2009

the woes of being little brother...ha

So much has gone on since I last posted but I just don't seem to have as much time as I use to for posting! Ford is now eating all kinds of foods. We are going to try broccoli this week. He really enjoys peas! Which is great because I know he is getting his green veggies!
I really think he has some teeth coming in. Maybe even in the top too. His drooling and spit up has hit an all time HIGH! His shirts are soaked with drool and immediately after eating and for about an hour after he spits up a lot if his stomach gets jolted or squished at all. I am constantly covered in spit up. The smell doesn't even get to me as much anymore, sad really. ha.
Ford and Annabell play so well together, and he is such a good sport. She was dressing him up the other day and actually allowed it to happen. She would try to put bows in his hair and put several "necklaces" on him.

Ford's favorite time is bath time and I don't have to hold him up anymore. He plays all by himself, splashes his sister and grabs at different toys. He laughs hysterically when they both splash at the same time. I have yet to get this on film because water goes everywhere and I'm not sure how the camera would do with that!
Well daddy got to see 2 firsts! Brad said that Ford said "Dada" when he was changing his diaper yesterday and then dada again when holding him. Maa-maa confirmed it yesterday as she heard it as well. Brad also saw Ford take his first "crawl" today on the church office floor. He usually rolls to wherever he wants to go but today he felt like actually crawling. He is always on the go, so I don't know what I'll do once he actually is crawling. I do know that I need to get my house RE-Baby proofed. We have tons of little toys everywhere. They will be gone soon! OR at least put in a safe place ;).
Ford has been battling a cough/cold for about 4 weeks now. Well actually the cough has just come into play for the last 2 weeks but the first 2 he had a runny nose. So I took him, Annabell and Briana all to the Dr on Monday, which they all were prescribed antibiotics. He is doing well with them. I can't tell if they are working. He seems to be coughing more (not often but in intensity) intensely lately so I'm hoping that it is just the cold being broken up and pushed out. Please pray for his healing! We have been and also thanking the Lord for the healing provided. We have my TN family (most of them) coming into town on Friday and we are taking the kids to Disney!!! So hopefully I will be able to post right after that. Well that's it for now, love y'all!

Almost forgot, here is a video of Ford and Annabell in his crib. She climbs in with him (even once waking him from a nap) and begins to play with him, hug him, and jump on and by him. He laughs so hard at her that I finally caught some video of it. Like usual he was laughing more before I got the camera, but you get the picture from the video.

P.S. Ford had his first poop in the tub today. Annabell was in the tub and not thrilled and a little put off by it! Haha. Pretty funny.


Grandma Z. said...

Very cute pictures! Ford can really put up with alot from his Big Sister. Love his laughs!

Unknown said...

so cute! i love that she plays with him and gets in his crib....he's such a big boy! have fun in Disney!!!! can't wait to see pictures. Are you babysitting Breana too?