Thursday, December 4, 2008


(Ford is starting to talk a lot and smile when he makes eye contact...i love him!)

"Bubi", that is pretty much the name he goes by in this house hold. Well, bubi is getting sooo big! I can't believe how big he is getting, but he's still tiny in my eyes. He will always be my little boy. I was thinking that one day I won't be the woman in his life anymore...his wife will be...his little hands that are wrapped around my finger will be around his wife's hands...that is a thought that never crossed my mind with Annabell, because she will always be my little girl, even when married, but Brad said he feels the same way with Annabell. A perspective I never had until I had a son. Well we went to the mall yesterday to do some Christmas shopping and saw Santa with NO line at all. And me being the dope that I am, TOTALLY FORGOT to get Ford's first Santa pictures. I thought to myself, Annabell already had her first and kept going...UGH! I felt horrible. So we are going to take the kids when we go to Nashville for Christmas, it should be fun. That way we can also get a picture with all of papa's grand kids together.
Well we gave Ford his first bottle the other night. I have been storing up milk which will go bad before I use it (probably) so we went ahead and gave him a bottle. He was not the biggest fan of it, but I now know he can take one if he needs it and won't starve! That is good to know. Brad LOVES giving bottles, he loves feeling that feeling of nourishing his baby. Moms are so blessed to be able to do that from their bodies, it's truly amazing to me! I love the bond that is established between mother and child.

Ford has also been sleeping great. He sleeps for about 6 hours straight at night and wakes up around 3-4 and even sometimes 5 and then wakes every two hours on from there. Last night he went to sleep at 7-10pm woke and ate, and then went back to sleep until 3:30. That was nice. I have even woken up on my own around 3 thinking, why hasn't he woken up yet. I feel very rested those days! Well I'm hoping to take the kids to the park this afternoon. So I better get some chores done! Love y'all!

1 comment:

The Walters Family said...

I know how you feel about us being the woman in their lives until they get married....bittersweet feeling isn't it! They too will always be our little boys! Love you