Friday, November 28, 2008

Eye Contact

Ford had a great first thanksgiving. He walked the 5k Turkey Trot at 6 weeks old, I'm so proud, he-he. He also did great considering I ate a delicious German Cholcolate cake with TONS of Chocolate on it, which I don't usually do considering I'm nursing. But he didn't seemed bothered, he even slept for 4 hours straight last night which was nice. We slept in until 11am this morning, Ford and I. Annabell stayed with her G-ma so we were able to sleep in, he woke for food and went back to sleep fairly fast...with me encouraging him to sleep so I could too!
Ford's eye contact has really taken off! He now looks around at people and smiles and coos a ton! Here is a video of him playing in his bouncy seat on Thanksgiving. It is the first time that he has recognized the animals on the seat and began to play with them! I was happy to catch it on video. He also has now met 3 out of 4 of his great grandmothers, what a blessing to have them in his life! He met Grandma Z yesterday and cuddled with her for a while. Now he just needs to meet Grandma Nester and hopefully we'll see her at Christmas time!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Baby Dedication and Smiles

Two nights ago Ford and I were hanging out while his daddy was working on some equipment outside. He was wide awake and very observant. I began to talk to him and he started to coo back. So I started to smile and say "HI" in a really high pitched voice and he began to smile so big and sigh and coo that sounded like laughing with out the chuckle. It lasted for about an entire minute. I was so excited to see him look me in the eyes and smile. It's a wonderful feeling when he starts to realize that I am there and gives me the confirmation that he knows I'm there.
I love his big cheeks! That is one trait I think all my children will have. He also has dimples on both sides but a stronger one on the left (when looking at him). His eyes are becoming a little lighter blue now. The gray is starting to fade a away, but his eyes are a much deeper blue then Annabell's. Very handsome.
I took the kids out for our morning walk and then to the park to play. As I was getting Ford out of his stroller and into his carrier a lady said "aw how cute, is he about 3 months?" I began to tell her he is 6 weeks and I accidentally said "6 months" and she was sure he was! I corrected myself and said "6 weeks" and she said "WOW he is big". He really is too, so alert and strong! He is wearing anywhere from 0-3 months to 3-6 months. 3 months seems to fit him the best though. He also has started to recognize Annabell's voice which is adorable. When she wakes in the morning he is usually making some noise while he plays by himself but as soon as he hears her he perks up, eyes wide open, and sometimes even smiles. I'm excited for them to become friends!
Well on Sunday we had baby dedication day, and we dedicated Ford to the Lord and ourselves to raising him to know the Lord. It felt good to do! Here are some pictures. (They are really Dark) His cousin Briana also was dedicated. Love y'all!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Ford has had a difficult time eating lately. It seems to be only when he's not super hungry, but he swallows a ton of air. His belly starts hurting so bad but he tries to continue to eat while crying. When he is really hungry he doesn't have this problem. So I tried to space his feedings a bit more and it seems to help.
It was quite cold today so I got him all dressed in some winter clothes...little boy clothes are so cute! His big sister was taking a lot of interest in him this morning while he was in his chair, as you can see. She is protective and loves when he looks at her. Very cute.
He had shoes on for about 2 seconds today before he kicked one off. He is so active, my friend Wheetay commented on how awake he was for a new born. He seems to love to look around. Well here are some pictures. Love y'all!

Monday, November 17, 2008

it's official

Ford rolled over again, it's official, it's not a fluke. YAY!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Big boy

I love his big eyes!

Ford is such a big boy! Today was a cold day, so I had to dress him warm, when looking for an outfit I found 3 month clothes that were perfect on him! Maybe a hair big but not by much, and he's only 5 weeks old! He also eats a TON! Today we went to the park for our churches annual picnic. It was cold and windy so he was bundled up pretty well. He also got some time in with his Big Pop while G-ma and I went to the store to grab lunch.
They were watching football together, well Ford was sleeping most of the time. He sleeps great still! Wakes once around 11pm, 2am, 5am and then he's up at 7am. I'm going to start to try and give him a huge feeding around 11 and hopefully he'll sleep a bit longer. Well here are some pictures...oh and to all that live here in Cape, we are doing his baby dedication day this coming Sunday at our church, PLEASE COME. It is the day we have set aside to dedicate ourselves to raising him to know the Lord. It's a wonderful day! Well I love y'all!
P.S. I now use his front it, and he is starting to like it as first not so much but once he learned he could relax in it and sleep he grew to love it. Oh and here is a little video of the kids just hanging around the house.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Rolling over!

Okay, I know reading the title everyone is thinking yeah right, but I HAVE to document this. I'm sure you have all read about how strong I think Ford is. And he really is strong but today he demonstrated how incredibly strong he is! I went to bible study with the kids this morning, first time since Ford was born. I laid him on the grown and changed his diaper, and then rolled him over for some belly time while I was talking with the ladies in my group. Then right in front of everyone he rolled from his belly to his back! He wasn't lodged funny, or tilting to the side or anything that would give him an advantage, he was flat on his belly and pushed himself over! It was nice that it happened at bible study or no one would believe me! It was only that one time today, so we'll see how soon it happens again. Well I just wanted to note that. Also he has started smiling more...i love his cute dimples! Two of them! Also, he is starting to make more cooing noises. He is also a VERY loud eater. Different than his sissy was. Well we love y'all!

Friday, November 7, 2008


Ford was given a great gift from his G-ma. When Brad was a baby his mother crocheted him a sweater. It's really cute. When she came over the other day to visit she brought it to Ford as a gift. He wore it today during our walk. And we actually got all five laps (2 miles) in today. Ford slept the entire time. I think he slept because we got up and went as soon as the kids were up for the day versus waiting for about an hour. It was cooler and there were a lot of people out there walking which kept Ford's sister occupied as well (she loves people watching). Ford is starting to be more awake during the day. Last night I actually put him in his bassinet around 10 pm still awake and he did great. Slept until 3 am didn't wake again until 6. Too bad I didn't take advantage of it...we stayed up watching a movie together last night! So we were up until a bit past midnight. oh well! He also smiled today. I think he smiled in response to me yesterday, but the picture I got on camera today was probably the result of gas! ha. Love y'all! Oh and Annabell was giving her brother a hug this morning.

I was happy to get a shot of that too. Oh and here is also a picture of Ford sleeping next to his gifts from Babs and Parker, thank you both! The outfits are adorable!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Family Night

Well last night we decided to go out as a family since Brad will be working this Saturday, and I need to prepare for a friends shower I am throwing. So we went to Mike Greenwells, a local family game/sports place and then out to dinner. Ford did great, he slept in his stroller the entire time until the end of dinner, which was perfect. I fed him after eating while we were waiting on the check and then to the house we went to watch the election unfold. We were disappointed that McCain lost, but encouraged to start to fight for what is right. Brad and I both have decided to start to stand against things that are evils in this world and voice our opinion for our kids! I also found that Garlic (we ate Italian) is a gas trigger for Ford. So we went ahead and gave him some Mylicon and he slept well and wasn't too hurt from gas pains. He is still taking two really long naps during the late morning and early evening, and then he's ready for bed. Last night he went to bed around 9pm and then was up again for another feeding around 10:30 and then he slept until 1:30 and then again until 4:30. He did wonderfully. We went on a walk this morning and I got 2 laps in before he started to cry. I don't think it's the walking necessarily that is making him cry. I think it's the gas pains after a feeding, since I feed him to make sure he's content before we go. Well here are some pictures...we put a few things on him that he didn't get a chance to wear on Halloween. He wasn't the biggest fan of me making him wear a hat and bib, but he sure did look cute. We love y'all! Oh and I love the picture with his finger at his mouth...he looked like he was in deep thought!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween 08'

Well yesterday we celebrated Ford's first Halloween. He did wonderfully, he slept and ate all day. Ha. He has been having trouble with Gas lately, and his tummy hurts him pretty bad, that is the only time he cries, and it's a pretty loud scream. We tried so Mylicon again last night, and it either helped or the gas passed. Well we had friends over for a get together last night. They brought their kids and we all went trick or treating. The kids were all around Annabell's age, so she played with them while the girls took turns holding Ford. We bundled him up in a blanket because it was in the low 70's last night, and walked around while trick or treating. He was awake for about 1 minute and then conked out. He loves cuddling.
He was a baseball player for his costume...which was really an outfit he got that looked like a uniform and we called it his costume. He went to Publix for the safe trick or treating with his sister, but also slept through that! ha. I was nervous that eating the cheese cake (with chocolate) would keep him awake, but he slept pretty well last night. He went to bed around 10:30-11am (which is late for him because all the people over), and then woke at 2:30 to eat and 4:30 and then again at 7am. He usually sleeps the longest the first stretch after going to bed and then wakes every 2-3 hours afterwards.
Today we went on a walk as a family around 6:30pm. It was nice and cool, and we had the kids in the double stroller. It was the first walk that Ford hadn't cried during. He seems to enjoy the cool weather more, and he loves being bundled up in his blanket. He is starting to out grow his Newborn size. Even the diapers are a bit small, but I'm trying to use them all to save $! Well here are some pictures. We are also planning on going to church for the first time since he's been born. Please pray that he doesn't catch a cold or anything from all the people.