Friday, November 7, 2008


Ford was given a great gift from his G-ma. When Brad was a baby his mother crocheted him a sweater. It's really cute. When she came over the other day to visit she brought it to Ford as a gift. He wore it today during our walk. And we actually got all five laps (2 miles) in today. Ford slept the entire time. I think he slept because we got up and went as soon as the kids were up for the day versus waiting for about an hour. It was cooler and there were a lot of people out there walking which kept Ford's sister occupied as well (she loves people watching). Ford is starting to be more awake during the day. Last night I actually put him in his bassinet around 10 pm still awake and he did great. Slept until 3 am didn't wake again until 6. Too bad I didn't take advantage of it...we stayed up watching a movie together last night! So we were up until a bit past midnight. oh well! He also smiled today. I think he smiled in response to me yesterday, but the picture I got on camera today was probably the result of gas! ha. Love y'all! Oh and Annabell was giving her brother a hug this morning.

I was happy to get a shot of that too. Oh and here is also a picture of Ford sleeping next to his gifts from Babs and Parker, thank you both! The outfits are adorable!


Unknown said...

I love the sweater! so sweet she made if for him. And Annabell is precious giving him a hug. He's smiling!

Grandma Z. said...

So sweet in Daddy's sweater! That thought never crossed my mind while making it. He's a handsome boy! Love the smile!!!